As I write, the statistics are moving in the right direction and we’re finally starting to look ahead with a degree of positivity. 

That said, hospital Dementia Care teams and those working in the community have mostly been under huge pressure for much of the past year and when staff do return to what used to be regarded as a normal working situation, extra support will certainly be needed.

The Butterfly Scheme will be offering appropriate support to all member organisations via their Butterfly Scheme Leads, at times to suit them and tailored to their own situations.  Achievability has always been a cornerstone of the Butterfly Scheme way, so we’ll be looking at maximum effectiveness of all input, just as we always do. Sustainability is crucial; it’s built into every move we make and it’ll definitely be crucial now. The Scheme is never negative; it seeks to understand whatever the situation is and work from there, so that teams can be open and honest and receive the guidance they need to optimise their dementia care delivery. 

If anything isn’t quite right with someone’s dementia care, we always ask you to speak to a Butterfly Scheme Champion; if they can’t resolve the issue, ask to speak to the Butterfly Scheme Lead. These people are all passionate about the care they deliver and they want to get it right for each individual, but working in partnership with family carers guides them in a way nothing else can. One by one, passionate dementia care staff who have been displaced are returning to their previous roles and they’ll be glad of that insight and support.

And although I always say how much it’s appreciated when excellent care is acknowledged, now, more than ever, dementia care teams will need every bit of appreciation we can offer. Thank you.