Reaching out to people with dementia and to anyone needing memory support

The Butterfly Scheme provides a system of hospital care for people living with dementia or who simply find that their memory isn’t as reliable as it used to be; memory impairment can make hospitalisation distressing, but it needn’t be. In hospital, dozens of staff can pass through a patient’s life each day and in order to deliver appropriate care, they need to know that a patient has dementia or memory impairment and
how to support them; this is where the Butterfly Scheme comes in. The Butterfly Scheme has now been adopted by nearly two hundred hospitals and healthcare teams across the UK and Ireland. Hospital and healthcare staff really do want to care well and they typically enjoy using the skills and systems provided by the Butterfly Scheme, enabling them to care appropriately for this patient group – including working in partnership with carers.

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Hospital Staff



Latest News & Events

January 2025

This month, I was asked to address a team of Dementia Champions before their imminent launch of the Butterfly Scheme, partly to explain why their session at the launch […]

December 2024

This month brought a teaching session to a team who had had the Butterfly Scheme for years, but now had quite a few new  Champions needing induction. I always […]

November 2024

Through the situations of some friends, this month has made me think back over my own friends and relatives who have been in need of the sort of support […]