NAD NATIONAL REPORT 2013_Page_01The second round report on National Audit of Dementia Care in General Hospitals 2012-13 was published on 12th July. The Butterfly Scheme was again recommended in the clearest possible terms.

The Butterfly Scheme was one of only six recommendations to Senior Clinical Leads for Dementia; two of the other five recommendations were based on use of a carer sheet and on appointing and supporting dementia champions for each ward, both of which are integral to the Butterfly Scheme.

Following is the link to the report; below the link are pointers to the three Butterfly Scheme references contained within it:

References to the Butterfly Scheme in the report are as follows:

Page 19 (Recommendations to Senior Clinical Lead for Dementia):

The Senior Clinical Lead for Dementia should implement systems to ensure that all staff can easily identify people with dementia on the ward or when transferred to different departments, and provide an appropriate response to care and treatment needs (e.g. “Butterfly Scheme”).

Page 58 (Information and communication):

Initiatives have been launched to support staff in caring for people with dementia in the hospital setting, and communicating the diagnosis of the patient to all staff involved in their care. This can encourage a partnership approach to care and treatment where interaction and information exchange are better facilitated.

The Butterfly Scheme, for instance, aims to improve staff attitudes towards dementia care; improve the communication between patients; and enable staff to understand the needs of people with dementia, such as causes of anxiety and aggression.

Page 60 (information and communication):

The Senior Clinical Lead for Dementia should implement systems to ensure that all staff can easily identify people with dementia on the ward or when transferred to different departments, and provide an appropriate response to care and treatment needs (e.g. “Butterfly Scheme”).