News & Events

March 2023

From time to time, I’m contacted by a former carer who wants to make a donation to the Butterfly Scheme in memory of someone who’s used the Scheme in […]

February 2023

Time and time again, I’m contacted by people who want to bring in a symbol “to improve care”. I always begin by asking what they have in mind to […]

January 2023

When the Alzheimer’s Society delivered its petition to Downing Street this month, I commented to its CEO, Kate Lee, that I’m seeing a widening of the gap between the […]

December 2022

At any time of year, it’s worth reminding carers of hospital patients what they should do if something about hospital care needs addressing urgently. 

In the first instance, I’d suggest […]

November 2022

If anyone wants to really wind me up, then talk to me about an “identification scheme”! You’ll see me clench my teeth and work my way up to telling […]